

   On the trip that we came back from teoweeks ago, I learned many lessons. I learned three though that were more valuable than all of the other lessons. The MVLs are make sure you come prepared, be clear on everything that is important, and make good use of your free time. 
   The lesson on being prepared is important for many reasons. FOr example, if you are not prepared for filming, and you go out to a site that is far away, and takes thirty minutes to walk to, you may not have brought a micro phone, so then you walk for thirty minutes back to where you left the rest of your equipment, grab the mike, and then walk all the way back to where you wanted to film. By this time, you have already wasted one hour that you could've spent filming, all because you were not prepared. This is especially bad if you are in a timed competition like at STN. Another way that not being prepared can be detrimental is if you are not prepared to edit, and you still have sequence settings that are not correct, you may have to render your entire video at the end of editing, which can take a really long time and may cause you to not make the deadline.
   The second MVL is to be clear on everything that is important. If you are not clear on everything that is important you may misunderstand a contest guide line. If you miss under a contest guidelines, you don't place. If you don't place, you get mad. If you get mad, you stress eat. IiIF you stress eat, you get a huge food bill. If you get a huge food bill, you get mad. If you get mad you, run out of the restaurant screaming. Don't run out o fa restaurant scramming, be sure you understand what you should. If you don't understand, make sure that you ask. In all serious, this is what happened to our team up until the stress eating part. SO it is really important to be clear on things.
   The final MVL that I learned is make good use of your free time. I found this to be especially important when it came to blogs. We had to do blogs every night. This was difficult because I always came back to the house or hotel room dead tired, barely able to write my blogs. I found that a way to remedy this was to write my blogs during free times like car rides or lunch brakes. All that I had to do was copy and paste my blogs into Weebly, and then I was done. This was really helpful for me.
   On the trip, I learned three incredibly valuable lessons. They are to be prepared, understanding the task ahead, and making good use of your free time.

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