For some time now, we have been selling Healthy Choice ice cream bars at our snack shop a a small fundraiser for our trip to STN. Recently though, Costco has discontinued the sales of these delicious ice cream bars. A lot of the students bought the ice cream bars, so I don't know if us not being able to sell these will be too huge of an impact as the sale of juice and Rice Crispies has gone up. Hopefully though, we find another type of treat for us to replace the ice cream bars with so that we can continue to raise funds to go to Orlando for STN.
Our second quarter video has been hard to coplete. It will be even harder to make the deadline that is coming up on Tuesday. Our video has all the sound bites dragged on to the timeline, but there is still a lot to be done. We still have to shorten our video, clean up the audio, and finish dragging b-roll to on top of our soundbites.

Our video used to be about five minutes. we have already taken about thirty seconds off, which is a lot, but it is still too long. I have already taken out a majority of the pauses out of the clips,  but it is still too long. I will continue to work on it and hopefully we will get our video to be under three minutes.

Another thing that we still have to do is clean up our audio. In our video, a few of our clips have really bad audio. When you film with a 60D camera, you hook up a little box that enables you to listen to the audio that you are recording. An issue with this box is that the audio sounds greaat when you listen to it from the box, but after ;you import it on to the computer, you get this really bad hiss. There is a way to take this hiss out, but it takes a lot of time. I have to adjust every single clip that we have already dragged on to the timeline.

The final thing that we have to finish is dragging our b-roll on to our clips. This is already partially done,so we will not have a hard time finishing this. The only problem though is that we have a lot of b-roll, we just have to find the ones that match our video. To find the b-roll that we need, we will have to look at every clip of b-roll that we have already filmed and watch it too see what it is. We have not labeled any of our b-roll, which is the reason that we will have to watch a part of it.

All in all, there is still a lot of work that needs to get done. Hopefully, we will have it done by Tuesday. What we will need to do is work hard and focus, and if we do that, I believe we will be able to get our projects done on time.
   My favorite christmas movie of all time has been Arthur Christmas. It was a great movie for several reasons. I can name three of them. The first was because it had fantastic animation, the second was because it was humorous, and the third was because it was heart warming.

   The animation was awesome. One great scene was when you saw this giant flying mechanical sleigh use a cloaking device that made it fade into the sky. It was really cool. Another scene with great animation was a scene where they showed this house with about a billion christmas lights. It was really clear and you could almost see every single light.

   The second reason that I think that Arthur Christmas was a great movie was because it was humorous. There were a lot of jokes in the movie, and the main character, Arthur, was so clumsy, it was hilarious. One time in the movie, this dog like chewing on his shoes, so Arthur ran away, ran back, gave the dog the shoe, then ran away again. This may not sound funny, but it was in the movie.

   It was also heart warming. When he gave the dog the shoe, the dog go this really happy face. He looked so happy! Another heart warming part was when the family that was fighting got together, and started having a good time. This was another great scene.

All in all, Arthur Christmas was a great movie, and if I could, I would watch it again. It was funny, heartwarming, and had great animation. THese are the reasons why I think that Arthur Christmas was a great movie.

Hey guys, so guess what's conning up soon, it's the breakfast. Every year, the Chifess Kamakahelei media productions class does a breakfast to fundraiser for our trip to STN. The breakfast takes place in our school cafeteria. All the students are assigned jobs that we have to do. Last year I was a bus boy, but now, I am a greeter. I wonder how I got that job. I never really thought that I showed an outgoing attitude. But, I was picked, so I will try my best to be a friendly greeter.

I'm thankful for a lot of things. These are my family, the holidays, and media. And here's why.

My family is an amazing group of people. They are a really fun group to be around, and they do a lot for me. They support me in almost everything I do. They also provide me with clothes, food, and shelter. They also give me suggestions on what I should and shouldn't do. If ti weren't for them, I would not be the person that I am today, and for this, I owe them a lot.

I am thankful for the holidays because during these holidays, there is no school. This is great because all of the stresses of going to school are gone. It also means that I get to spend more time with my family.

I am also thankful for media. Because of Media, I get to fly across the country. This will be an amazing experience. It also is a place for me to go at recess, and the class is kind of like a second family.

These are a few of the things that I am thankful about. There are a few more things, but as there is only a limited amount of space, I will have to stop. Good bye and thanks for reading my blog.