Today was the ninth day of the STN Trip. Today was the day of the dreaded Sweet Sixteen. It is a competition that takes sixteen hours to complete. I got up close to six and did not eat breakfast till about seven thirty. After we ate  breakfast, we went out into the community to find stories about our topic of the International Drive. The International Drive is a road that is more than eleven miles long. The story that we were doing it on was the history of the road. We spent the whole morning asking people if we could interview them about the International Drive and then getting refused. We then decided to do a short film that had me speaking in the background as we showed pictures of what we were talking about. We took a long time to film all of the shots and recording the voice overs. I think that we edited decently fast though. The only problem that we had other than having nobody to interview was that we had a hard time exporting our video to the main computer for final editing things. What we ended up having to do was delete the shots that we were having problems with, reimport the footage, reedit, and then export the video. We finally got it n the main editing computer.We then pierced all of the videos and submitted the entry. We then went to bed after twelve.

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